Boom boom boom boom bang bang bang bang
Boom boom boom boom bang bang bang bang

Cheshire winced and leaned in to Jakub’s ear. Someone on board made a jump for the landing, cursing as they scraped their knees, and were still too late to do anything about the hull smacking into the concrete barrier with a loud crack. The boat had some trouble docking in the middle of the night with no one on the wharf to assist. “Don’t you always?” Jakub replied, but it didn’t sound like he was poking fun, making Cheshire wonder all over again, What is he even thinking anyway? “Just like we planned,” Cheshire said as they moved out of sight of the approaching ship, joined by Leon Szpilman and three of his larger cousins. “Just sit tight your friends will be here soon.” Charlie struggled and groaned, but then Cheshire and Jakub hopped out of the truck and drew the door shut behind them. “There it is,” Cheshire echoed with a smirk, and he looked over his shoulder to where Charlie Tighe and two Foley goons were already gagged and hogtied inside their own truck. A small fishing boat had extinguished its running lights and was heading for the wharf. “There it is,” said Jakub, and Cheshire startled, hurrying to look to the water. “…Sure.” Maybe I should have asked Bunny to make me a mind reader, Cheshire thought, casting mystified glances Jakub’s way. “I didn’t think you’d want to risk damaging it.” His nose scrunched for a moment and then he added, “It is a really good fit.” “I mean, this is a heist,” Jakub interrupted. But it just has such a great fit, and it breathes really-” “I guess February is a little late for a holiday jacket. “What? This?” Cheshire tugged at the lapel of his burgundy suit coat, made from his personal stash of Astoria- bought worsted wool. “Are you sure you should be wearing that jacket for this?” Jakub asked abruptly. But something sure felt different, and he couldn’t put a name to it. Why, he had no idea-it wasn’t as if Jakub’s attitude toward him had changed in any noticeable way in the past few months. They were sitting close together enough that their sleeves rubbed whenever Cheshire took a drag, and for the first time, the proximity made him anxious. Cheshire did his best not to stare as he tried to think of something to fill the lengthening silence. He was still watching the water, cautious and maybe even tired. I’ll introduce you soon-I know you’re just dying to meet him.” You should tell him to be careful.”Ĭheshire smirked at the thought. “My guy on the inside hasn’t been wrong yet. He’d finally learned not to take Jakub’s doubt personally. “Of course I’m sure,” Cheshire replied easily. “You’re sure about this?” Jakub asked, not for the first time, constantly scanning the moonlit waters. Cheshire lit a pair of cigarettes, and he and Jakub sat in the open rear of the truck, smoking them down as they watched the river.

Boom boom boom boom bang bang bang bang